My name is Diane Flynt and I live the in the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, which I love beyond most anything, other than my husband Chuck. I am an apple grower and cidermaker, but at heart I’m an insatiable learner which is why I began this blog.
I try to live each day connected to the land and the world around me, and like nothing better than hiking our hills, staring at the sky and the ground beneath my boots. I’m both a caretaker—of plants, my orchard, cider in the tank—and an explorer. I believe people can change and grow, every day. Which is why I strive to live each day with a beginner’s eye, an open heart and a sharp pencil.
About Notes from Foggy Ridge Blog
What’s this blog about? The natural world. Growing things. Observing closely. People, the unique ones which is almost everybody. The enjoyment of food and beverages of all kinds. The southern Appalachians. Apples and, of course, cider.
Frequently Asked Questions
What did you do before Foggy Ridge?
Banking, education, consulting and lots of business travel. I’ve been extremely lucky to have enjoyed and learned from every role I’ve had in my several careers, from Girl Scout leader to banking executive. But most of all, I remember the many talented and caring people who supported and coached me. Business is a good training ground for farming, really.
Why do you write a blog?
Writing is how I’ve always made sense of my daily experiences. I’ve kept a journal since I8 and, yes, I have them all (under lock and key). And while I love my rural life, living in a county with one traffic light and less than 15,000 people is isolating. Writing is one way I connect with others and the world outside Foggy Ridge.
Plus I love sharing information and ideas, and find that growing thing and making an artisan agricultural product interests many others.
Where did you get the name “Foggy Ridge”?
Rock House Creek flows below the Old Orchard and Carrie’s Hill. Almost every morning, mist rises from this creek, cloaks the hillside and obscures, for a while, our view of Buffalo Mountain. When the sun rises above Long Mountain, fog drifts up through the orchard and disappears in the North Pasture. Most mornings, the deer, turkeys and I live this lovely drama. How could I choose anything other than “foggy ridge”?
How would you describe your cidermaking style?
Getting the apple in the bottle with as little manipulation as possible. Our apples are hard to grow—the trees are shy to bear fruit and stubborn about giving an annual crop. We have late snow and early frost, hail and unending wind. After going to so much trouble to grow wonderful apples, I treat them with care once they are juice in the tank room. My goal is to express all the beautiful qualities of this superior cider fruit in every glass of Foggy Ridge Cider. That’s about it.