Grafting Wood

Foggy Ridge offers grafting wood for both commercial apple growers and home orchardists who are interested in growing cider apples and old southern varieties from our mountain orchards.

In late winter we ship dormant scion wood from the over thirty varieties we’ve grown at Foggy Ridge since 1997. In late summer, we collect budwood for growers interested in budding new trees. We carefully label all grafting wood from our orchards and ship fresh wood.

Scionwood orders for 2022 can be placed now through early February 2022 for the following varieties:

VarietyHome Orchard OrdersCommercial Orders  
Ashmead’s Kernel
Burford Red FleshLimited
Cannon PearmainLimited
Cox’s Orange Pippin
Golden HarveyLimited
Grimes Golden
Hewe’s Crab
Newtown Pippin
Pitmaston Pineapple
Pomme Gris
Ralls JanetLimited
Rhode Island Greening
Ribston Pippin
Roxbury Russett
Smith’s CiderLimited
Tremlett’s Bitter
White Winter PearmainLimited
Yarlington MillLimited

= large quantities of good quality scion wood available
Limited = limited quantities; no wholesale pricing available for commercial orders

If you are interested in ordering grafting wood, contact Discounts offered for commercial orders.