Will Richey has built a group of unique and inventive restaurants in downtown Cville, all with excellent food and outstanding beverage programs, all focused on authentic and high quality ingredients. This fall, The Alley Light, […]
From The Pen of Our NY Distributor
Foggy Ridge Cider’s top notch New York distributor has a stellar wine portfolio, talented wine professionals in the market and a growing knowledge of orchard based cider. This in depth post from T Edwards Wine […]
Travis Croxton’s Rappahannock River Oysters is top on my list. Travis and his cousin Ryan revived their grandfather’s oyster business with a modern improvement—sustainable oyster farming rather than the old fashioned method that damaged breeding […]
Food and Cider Pairings
Grilled fish or chicken, Bar-B-Que, Venison Stew, strong ripe cheeses, pork of any kind…cider pairs successfully with many foods. Experiment and find the combinations that appeal to your own palate. We’ve found these food and […]
It Takes All Kinds..of Cider Apples
It’s mid October; we’re eating pole beans from the garden, and half the nasturtiums are still in bloom. But even on a grey day, the Black Gum outside my office window glows scarlet, orange and […]
Authentically Fall at Lucky 32 Southern Kitchen
With Wendy’s offering an Artisan Egg Sandwich, authenticity in the kitchen isn’t always obvious. But when I see a farm stand with local produce outside a busy restaurant in Greensboro, NC, I know I’m in […]
Cider and Apple How-To’s
What are the best eating apples? If you are Tom Burford, your favorite apple is the last one you ate. Try old apples and find new favorites. And use this guide to select what may […]
2013 Best Of Food & Drink
I confess. From the NY Times to People magazine, my year end guilty pleasure is an extended Best Of Binge. Movies, books, new restaurants…I devour them all, with food related lists near the top. So, […]
The Accidental Bartender meets Pippin Gold
I get really anxious when someone hands me a sample of something and says, “What do you think?”. My anxiety comes from two things. One, like any normal person, I like the things I like. […]
Treasure Hunting
Life on an apple farm contains daily treasures. From the summer morning mist that rolls up the Old Orchard from Rock House Creek to fat, sugar filled fruit pulling branches low to the ground, tiny […]